Good evening, human.

Exactly today is my birthday. I’m 17 years old now. And I would like to deliver my honest thanks to everyone of you which congratulated me along the day. Some of you sent me texts, some of you mentioned me on twitter, some of you sent me emails, and some of you came to my house to directly said it.

For everything you’ve given to me, thank you very much, everyone. Thank you for all of you has become one beautiful part of my life. I’ve learnt so much from all of you, in the last 17 years. Thank you also for all the wishes, that’s makes me feel stronger.

Okay, but I found something shocking in front of my house today. I found a group of murderer killed someone innocent just right before my eyes!

How cruel!

It’s just ants eating dragonfly, ehehehe.

But isn’t the photo I took was very awesome? Look at how real is this photo, this is the real life, it’s scary. Nevermind, as long as we don’t get killed, it’s been a good life.

